Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works(TV)

(C) To The Owner

ANN | MyAnimelist | AniDB

Adaptation: Visual Novel | Official Website
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Being the last of the Toosaka family, a line of magecraft practitioners capable of using magic, Rin Toosaka spends her days as an exemplary student and her nights practicing the family craft. When the time comes for the fifth Holy Grail War, a competition between magic users called Masters and the spirits of dead heroes called Servants, she enters with her Servant, Archer, to uphold her family's tradition and claim the prize - a magical artifact that can grant any wish.

However, a schoolmate by the name of Shirou Emiya becomes involved through coincidence and ends up as the Master of Saber, a powerful Servant in her own right. In the wake of the powerful opposition they face, an alliance is forged between them.

Based off the famous visual novel by Type-Moon, Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works tells the story of how Rin and Shirou must work together to survive and unravel the secrets behind the Holy Grail War.

Action, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
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Video: 1280x720 x264 8bit
Audio: Jap 2.0 Stereo AAC
Group: UTW
Container: MKV
File Size: 70-170mb

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